refers to a professional service that helps businesses and organizations create a unique and consistent brand identity that reflects their values, personality, and mission. This service includes developing a comprehensive brand strategy, creating a visual identity system that includes a logo, color scheme, typography, and other design elements, and defining brand messaging and tone of voice.
refers to the current trends and techniques used to create a unique and memorable logo that represents a business or organization in a modern and contemporary way. A modern logo design typically incorporates clean lines, simple shapes, and bold typography to create a visual identity that is both distinctive and versatile.
The visual identity system developed by a brand identity service provider typically includes a logo, color palette, typography, and other design elements that are used across all marketing materials, from business cards to websites to social media profiles. The provider may also develop brand guidelines that outline how the brand should be represented visually and verbally in all communications.
Majorelle Blue is a vibrant shade of blue named after French painter Jacques Majorelle, known for using this hue. It is a bright, bold blue shade often described as a mix between cobalt blue and ultramarine blue. Majorelle Blue is a highly saturated and intense color that can add energy and vibrancy to a design. It is often associated with the culture and art of Morocco, as Majorelle used this color extensively in his art and architecture in Marrakesh. Regarding color psychology, blue is often associated with calmness, trust, and stability. However, the brightness and intensity of Majorelle Blue can also evoke excitement and energy. It can be a great color choice for designs that want to convey a sense of creativity, playfulness, and sophistication. Majorelle Blue is a versatile color that can be used as a dominant or accent color in various design contexts, including fashion, home decor, and graphic design. It pairs well with neutral colors like white and gray and bold and bright colors like pink, orange, and yellow.
The color name of hex code #6B38F4 is Majorelle Blue. The RGB values are (107, 56, 244), comprising 26% red, 14% green, and 60% blue. The CMYK color codes used in printers are C:56, M:77, Y:0 K:4. In the HSV/HSB scale, #6B38F4 has a hue of 256°, 77% saturation and a .brightness value of 96% Details of other color codes including equivalent web safe and HTML & CSS colors are given in the table below. Also listed are the closest
Pantone® (PMS) and RAL colors.
Persian Indigo is a dark, intense blue with a slight purple undertone, often associated with luxury, sophistication, and spirituality. It can be used as a dominant or accent color in various design contexts, including fashion, home decor, and graphic design. In terms of color psychology, blue is often associated with calmness, trust, and stability, and it can evoke feelings of relaxation and tranquility. The deep, rich hue of Persian Indigo can add depth and complexity to a design, and it can be particularly effective when paired with lighter shades of blue or contrasting colors like orange or yellow. The color name of hex code #361C7A is Persian Indigo. The RGB values are (54, 28, 122) which means it is composed of 26% red, 14% green, and 60%
blue. The CMYK color codes used in printers are C:56 M:77, Y:0 K:52. In the HSV/HSB scale, #361C7A has a hue of 257°, 77% saturation, and a brightness value of 48% Details of other color codes, including equivalent web safe and HTML & CSS colors are given in the table below. Also listed are the closest
Pantone® (PMS) and RAL colors.
Overall, a brand identity service is an essential investment for any business or organization that wants to create a strong, memorable brand that stands out in the market and connects with its target audience. Please get in touch with us for more information.